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Disabling Joomla Extensions via PhpMyadmin

Have you ever had that moment, when you enable a module, plugin or component in Joomla, nd suddenly it starts giving such a severe error that it takes down your whole site - even the administrator part so you can't disable it? When this happens, there is no way to disable the problem module or plugin from the "Administrator" panel.

Luckily, there is quite an easy way to fix this problem - disabling the Joomla plugin, module, or other extension via PhpMyAdmin. If you are not really sure which plugin may have created the problem in the first place, it would be best to start disabling 3rd party plugins and components one by one in the following way - until the problem goes away.

This is how to disable Joomla plugins or modules via PhpmyAdmin in various flavours of Joomla, including Joomla 3

  • Log in to your PHPmyadmin and find the database of the Joomla website you want to fix
  • Find the table which ends with '_extensions' (the first few digits/letters are randomly generated and vary by installation)
  • Find the problematic plugin, component or module and edit it's row. Change its 'enabled' field from status '1' to '0' and click save!
  • This will disable that specific plugin

See below the field you'll need to find and change to 0 instead of 1


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